Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New name, new look, new me!

Woo hoo. My mom promised that as soon as I slept at least 6 hours in one stretch for three days in a row I would get to change the blog's name and layout. Really, I'm over the whole "Lentil Bean" thing. It's just embarassing because I have to explain it to everyone and no one seems to get it except my parents and, well, you know how they are...

So here it is, The Adventures of Princess Awesome, now in pink and with sound! I was so excited last night when I woke up after 6 hours and 3 minutes that I got the hiccups just thinking about it:

This really is perfect timing too because today is my 8 week birthday! I'm getting more hair, my face has cleared up, and my dad will be home in two days. It really doesn't get much better than this, does it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very Nice Princess Awesome!!

I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.