Friday, November 30, 2007

Whatever you call them, they are great!!!

I've been meaning to write about this for a while but my mother just can't seem to get with the program. She claims it's my fault for being "too needy" or something. I say, "Whatever, Mom - Just take me back to those wonderful people who always seem to know how to please me." I'm still not sure what their real names are, I just know I have a gaggle of them.

Up north I've got Onee and Papa (I think they are French???), who came a million miles just to see me and help with painting and drywall mudding. Their mission seems to be to help my parents rid the house of some dark, dank, evil thing called "paneling". Don't they look happy? Onee is on the left and she loves to hold me and sing Edelweiss to me. It's pretty nice and I'm just glad I'm not a boy because I hear they shouldn't be too into show tunes and Edelweiss is one.

Next we have "Gampy" who is down south in the hospital having part of his leg cut off. It sounds bad but it's a good thing because it's been giving him trouble. Here I am with him with two legs: I went and visited him just the other day at the hospital and he sure was happy to see me. So were all the people there. I guess they don't get many babies in hospitals like that. I hope he comes home soon and am looking forward to having at least one grandparent with a cool, fake appendage to play with. Give me a break, I'm a baby and it'll be neat to take to show and tell one day.

And then there's Grandma who I had lunch with both yesterday and today:She lives on a ranch with a bunch of animals most babies only dream about. There are zebras and reindeer and horses and miniature everything. There is even a camel! It puts my mom and dad's pig, dog, cat trio to shame. I can't wait to see what kinds of crazy presents I get from her since my mom says she's a member of the "Species of the Month Club". Good thing we live on 10 acres...

Finally, there's Grandpa Ken. He came to visit a couple of weeks ago. I don't think he'd seen a baby in a while because he seemed a bit scared of me until he got the hang of the fact that I really can't control my head.
I think those are all my grandparents. I don't know if you ever had any but if you are privileged to have one, or two, or even five like me, be sure to give them a call sometime out of the blue and tell them you love them because I'm pretty sure you haven't in a while and that they'd really like it. I intend to call mine as soon as I get some motor skills and can annunciate a little better.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I found something almost as interesting as Little Dog. It's called a bath:Apparently you sit in the kitchen sink in a tub of warm water and someone rubs you down with pleasant smelling bubbly stuff while making funny faces and talking in a strange voice. Despite this odd parental behavior, it is quite soothing and I've come to enjoy it. Aren't I cute?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My First Buzz

From milk, that is. Yes, this is what I look like splayed out on the Boppy pillow after "sucking the life" out of my mother as she so aptly puts it:
I know, it's not my best angle but I'm still pretty cute.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My first BFF

Sorry I haven't posted lately but I've been busy with my new Best Friend Forever (BFF).

This, my friends, is Little Dog, and I must admit I've become quite obsessed with him.
He sleeps with me:
Talks to me, and listens when I talk. And sometimes we just stare at echother for hours. It's pretty special.
Sometimes my parents try to switch him out with a panda bear or cat or zebra but I'll have none of it. I may not know much, but I do know my Little Dog.

In other news, Halloween came and went without much fanfare here. I had the forethought to thoroughly exhaust my mother the night before so she barely had the energy to dress me as a cow and take a few pictures before I threw a fit:

This worked out well seeing as how she dressed me as a cow and planned to wear a "Got Milk?" shirt and carry around her breast pump all night for our costumes. Yes, my parents are strange.

I've got to get back to Little Dog, we have a play date this morning.