Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On hot air

If you're wondering why I've been a bit cranky lately, it's because I'm maximizing the sympathy that comes along with getting my first tooth. That's right, my mom finally stuck her finger in my mouth and figured out that one of my bottom teeth is coming in.

Of course, she got all sentimental and started talking about how fast I'm growing up. Then she mentioned something about being cut off from the boob once my tooth comes in. Then she told me this was my first baby tooth and that when it falls out I get to leave it under my pillow at night so some freaky fairy that collects baby teeth will take it and leave money in its place. This on the heels of another tale of an egg-laying bunny that brings candy and toys in a basket because some carpenter came back from the dead a zillion years ago. I may be naive but these stories are pretty hard to swallow.

Speaking of hot air and how good my mom is at blowing it, check this new, fun game out:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Princess Awesome will surely give some law school teacher a heartache.