Thursday, June 26, 2008

What do a pirate and a raspberry have in common?


Hey, it's tough to come up with titles when you're only 8 1/2 months old...

I went on my first camping trip with my folks the other weekend. It was one of their running club deals and it was at El Capitan State Beach. The theme was Pirates.

I guess everyone was supposed to dress like a pirate and drink beer on Saturday. I refused to put on my pirate costume but here I am with my parents in their somewhat unconventional Pirates attire.
Oddly enough, no one else was dressed like them. In fact, most folks had baggy clothes with stripes and frill and kept saying "Argh" and calling each other "Matey". Go figure.

Camping was fun. I got to wake everyone up in the middle of the night with my mom for once. I'm sure they appreciated it. And I got to ride along the beach in my baby jogger. And eat avocado. And see some old friends. What could be better?

In other news, I'm learning to communicate. It involves pushing air and spit through your lips while your tongue sticks out. It feels kind of funny and makes my tongue numb when I do it for prolonged periods, but it seems to be the only noise my mom and I share in common at this point. I hear there is an easier, less messy way to get your point across and am hoping to figure it out real soon.

Here I am communicating with my mom over lunch. Note to babies: this works best with a mouth full of something orange and gooey and when your parent is in close range:

Oh yeah, I heard about you all laughing at me practicing sitting (Cousin Griffin?!?!). Just so you know, I'm now doing it much better and am even starting to crawl forward!

Next week is my second camping trip and I heard we might go somewhere called an aquarium.

1 comment:

BH said...

PA - keep talking to mom and dad like that! As the years go by, they will soon join you.