Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My first trail

So my folks are in a "running club" called the Hash House Harriers. It's a group of people that gets together to drink beer and run around various communities. Yeah, it sounded fishy to me too, but I finally went to a "run" this weekend and found out it's not so scary after all.

Here I am looking a bit skeptical in my baby jogger:
Yes, those are Mardi Gras beads. No, I did not earn them the traditional way - and I've been told I never will because my mother has a whole store of them for me. I'm still not sure how she got hers and I'm not asking...but they sure are fun to look at when I get bored.

Once we got going it was pretty fun just cruising around staring at things and listening to the runners blowing whistles, yelling "On On!", and drawing on sidewalks...All activities I look forward to participating in one day. In fact, here I am singing along at the end:
Yes, these people stand around and sing songs after they run around whistling, drinking, shouting, and drawing arrows. How neat is that? This sort of thing makes a lot more sense than Christmas, but that's just me...

After the run and dinner my mom and me went back to our hotel and watched cable tv while dad went on a pub crawl with the runners. He came back early because it was no fun without me and mom. I could've told him that!

In other news, I turn three months old today, which means I can start wearing all my cute 3-6 month old clothes. This jacket, complete with bear ears on the hood, is from Auntie Claire and I just love it!!! Thanks Auntie Claire!!!
Oh, and I heard I'm going to Sacramento with Mom tomorrow to visit Onay and Papa. I can't wait!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

There's another princess in the family???

Where does the time go? Sorry for not posting lately but my mom is full of excuses like being sick, having lost the battery charger for the camera, and something called the generator not working so she can go online during a snowstorm. I say enough of the excuses, Mom, it's time for a holiday recap!

First of all, the holidays sure are exhausting. First my parents strapped me in a seat for five and a half hours and drove me half-way up the state to a place called Sacramento where a movie star who runs our state lives somewhere near my grandparents. I fell asleep on the way and when I woke up I was at my grandparents' house being cuddled and held and loved by none other than Onay herself. I'd say it was well worth the trip.

No sooner had I arrived than I was dressed up as a reindeer and taken to a party where I was passed amongst the millions of relatives I have in this place called Sacramento while a fat man in a red suit ran around a pool table handing out presents. Here I am in my outfit:
Yeah, I get cuter every day.

The next morning I was woken up early and taken to my cousins' house to find out what the fat man in the red suit brought everyone. This is some sort of bizarre family ritual having to do with magical trees that require no water or soil yet produce light, a week long obsession with the colors red and green, the wrapping of toys and other new objects in paper for the sole purpose of ripping the paper off hours later, and a marathon eating contest wherein you are required to eat all day, especially homemade cookies. I'm still trying to figure it all out and am told it will happen every year at the same time for the rest of my life. Pretty crazy, huh?

We spent Christmas, as the day is called, at my cousins' house. This is my cousin Griffin, he got a Nintendo DS - which is basically a little thing he stares at all day while fumbling his thumbs and making grunts. Boys sure are strange.And this, my friends, is my new mentor. Her name is Sidney and she's my cousin and, as you can see, she too is a princess, complete with a throne, gown and pink horse!
Princess Jenn, as she went by the day I met her, was gracious enough to let me visit her kingdom and play on her princess bed. It was the most wondrous, marvelous, pinkest, stuffed-animalist place on earth and I loved it.After she let me talk to her friends on the princess bed, she imparted some princessly advice to me. I can't tell you exactly what it was, because it's for princesses only, but here we are out of our princess attire talking princess stuff:
Poor Princess Sidney (she stopped going by Princess Jenn at some point that day), she doesn't realize that someday that pink throne will be mine!!! In the meantime, I'll glean as much knowledge as possible from her...